Hello 1BN! Hello World!


Welcome to class 1BN at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Barnett and Miss Noble, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Mrs Barnett
Miss Noble

A Special Visitor

We were very excited in 1BN to welcome a very special visitor, Olive. Olive is Mrs Barnett’s new puppy and she is a Labrador. The children all did a great job of being caring and gentle with Olive and we hope that she visits again soon.

We have had a really challenging week in Maths learning about less than, greater than and equal to. The children are really good at saying if one number is greater than or less than another number but have found remembering the < and > symbols a bit trickier though.

Sam’s Safari

Today we welcomed the amazing Sam’s Safari into Year 1 and we all had a great time learning about all the different animals in such a hands on way. We saw a stick insect, leaf insect, salamander, skink, millipede, snake, tortoise, chinchilla and armadillo. Sam told us where in the world these animals are from and gave us lots of information such as if they were a mammal, reptile or amphibian, what they like to eat and how long they live for. The children were very brave and had a go at holding or stroking these animals. They were also really gentle with them. A huge thank you to Sam’s Safari for such a wonderful experience!

Week 3

We cannot believe that we are already at the end of week 3 and what a busy week it has been! This week we have been busy learning 1 more in Maths, creating animal prints using ink and rollers in Art and learning the story of creation with Mrs Barnett in RE. We are so excited as Sam’s Safari are coming into school next week with lots of different animals so come back to the blog next week to see some photos of that.

Welcome to 1BN

We have had a wonderful week welcoming all the children into 1BN after the summer holiday, they have all settled in really well and are quickly picking up the rules and routines of the day. The children have been spending time this week thinking about our value of Respect and our school rules ‘Respect yourself, respect each other and respect our school.’ They have also spent time thinking about our school vision ‘We work towards a world where we love, learn and flourish.’ We have spent lots of time in our areas of provision, learning through play and doing an amazing job at tidy up time.